

Mantra Music Kirtan -

Vocal Activation through Sacred Singing

Chanting the divine names evokes renewing & transformative energy that reconnects our hearts to the divine within. Invite this sacred tradition into your practice.

Immerse in 1x1 lessons with Ananda Devi for vocal empowerment, harmonium, & or guitar. Available virtually or in-person in Delray Beach, FL.


Festivals & Group Prayerformance

There is a special magic cultivated when we sing in community and remember our innate oneness.

Ananda Devi & Shiva Das love creating this sacred space of uniting through the universal sound current in all spaces.


Immersions & Healing Retreats

Join the artists on one of their many exciting retreats in the United States and internationally. Learn how to deepen your own practice by exploring other cultures and expanding your awareness.


Yoga & Movement

Experience Ananda Devi's unique yoga and meditation styles in the comfort of your own home, local yoga studio, retreat center or in nature. Customizable for all levels and abilities.


Mudra & Meditation

With the ability to focus on several different meditation styles - with specific Mantras & Mudras™ - Ananda Devi & Shiva Das will guide you into a space of deep focus, clarity and peace.


Cacao Ceremony

This ancient plant medicine has been used for centuries to heal. In ceremony, Ananda Devi combines music and medicine - connecting you to your highest Self and truth.